Sarge: “A dinosaur by any other name would still leave ruts.” I have talked about the Sarge for years. I have talked about the water for months. Let me relate it all to the humans and bring it back full circle to the beloved story of Monaya and Sarge.
My name is Monaya, but does Sarge know his name?
I have talked about the Sarge for years. I have talked about the water for months. Let me relate it all to the humans and bring it back full circle to the beloved story of Monaya and Sarge. Prepare yourself for some dogma…interesting dogma, but still. I asked a 19 year monk what defines Jesus. He returned my question with conviction, saying that Jesus is three beings in one. There is the human, the god, the holy spirit. Each one complete, housed in the same body. He explained that the human form of Jesus could convince anyone he was human. I asked if he thought Jesus knew he was Jesus. “ABSOLUTELY.”
I had to walk away before I started my secular, cynical human laughter. I meant no offense. I think about social programming, including personal experience. As a person who has walked the Earth for 38 years, having my own set of trials and tribulations, I couldn’t help but think about the ego of a human being. Specifically, their conviction in the definition of their world. Not the objective, repeatable science world, but their day-to-day experience and how it shapes their meaning. The phrase “I think it’s like…” to establish meaning.
Our experience as human beings varies from sensory perception to reorganizing that information. The raw data reorganized, forming meaning, morals, and, at a basic level – a daily human experience. My social programming: I am brought to an experience at Burning Man. A booth served yum berry tablets and different samples of very flavor foods. The table had little cups with crushed tablets of Yum Berry, vinegar, pickle juice, different types of fruit, and soda. Yum berries’ effects are due to Miraculin, a protein found in the fruit of the miracle fruit plant (Synsepalum dulcificum). The protein is not sweet tasting by itself. It has a novel taste-modifying action. It can change the taste perception of a sour substance to sweet. Each person had a very unique experience concluding that certain foods were more sour or sweet. I’m mentioning this, as yum berry has been studied in relation to the variation in experience from person to person.
Leading me to the question, if the sensory output was computer analyzed data (printed or visualized) instead of a person screaming holy shit on a Tuesday night at burning man, would the computer analyzed data be the same output from person to person? Even further, would the picture painted by the data be as beautiful as the personal, mindblowing experience a person took with them for the rest of their life? My commentary: read a medical journal, the storybook or watch the movie. What if there was a live action?
Cut to when Jesus dies, he ascends to heaven. The definition of Jesus is that he’s human, god, and holy spirit. For the sake of this article, let’s just go with the idea that heaven is a place on Earth. So now we have Jesus cruising around a different part of the Earth, being born like a regular child. Attending school, dating, starting a family, and so on. Would Jesus still know who they are in the second, third, or fourth generation? We tell people who hear voices they have psychological problems…But god can listen to everyone’s thoughts, right? Would this be problematic for fifth generation Jesus? Yeah, I wrote that. 5G Jesus…
I will leave you with a few stats about the difference in reality from when Jesus walked the Earth 2000 years ago…When Jesus was born, the world population was estimated to be around 170 million. Today, it is 8.1 billion. In the time of Jesus, walking was the most common form of transportation. Today, it’s the car. Sarge says Hi. PS: Something you, Jesus and I have biologically in common with dinosaurs and Sarge… the water: we drink, Jesus drank, the dinosaurs drank and the small pool at the bottom of Sarge’s diesel tank…one and the same. I love you. Thanks for reading.
The Miracle Fruit: An Undergraduate Laboratory Exercise in Taste Sensation and Perception
10000 years of economy
200,000 Years Of Holidays: Where Do You Fit In?