The Gods must be insane.

A girl and her adventures.

Grandma Gen

The further I get down the rabbit hole, the more these trucks show up in my life. At this point, I can’t even turn on a terrible crime drama on Netflix without a beautiful Defender gracing my screen as I just try to unwind. As I have started to venture out further from the garage, each and every trip has gotten me closer to my childhood. What I found was at the end of the rainbow was not a romance like I thought but a family connection. My grandmother played The Gods Must be Crazy at least three days a week for me. Apparently, I was brainwashed with a Series II.

LandRover, Proudly turning owners into mechanics since 1947. 


Teaching moments big and small while on the road with Sarge.

While I was on an outing weekend with Sarge, I stopped by a friend’s house to watch a movie and hang out while a long drive to the North Shore of Lake Superior. After perusing Netflix for twenty minutes we went back to a film my grandmother showed me all the time as a young child. As we watched The Gods Must Be Crazy and laughed all the way to the part where the Defender series two shows up. 

You bet my friends gave me some hell about making them watch a “Defender Movie.”  But the truth of it was that I had completely forgotten about this little Series with his wench and the number of times I had seen it over and over with Grandma. When finding a perplexing connection in life I did what we all do as humans, ask other Defender Lovers if they had seen this film too? 

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With a personality larger than life…

When conversing with Mike at Bishop and Rook about the movie, he brought up something that struck a chord with me about Defenders. The truck is as much a character in the story as the indigenous Bushman or Teacher. Defenders are alive. It’s not just a hunk of metal and oil to some people. To those that love Defenders, these trucks are like a person we love and care for. Like the family pooch, we name Defenders, remember their history and create something bigger than a truck owner or automotive brand. We establish an emotional relationship with an object that is a character in our personal adventures. It would be over ten years before I would see my next Defender. Its emotional connection to my life will never be forgotten.


Sarge and Me

Sarge and Me is a project years in the making with Monaya’s first Defender experience in 2010.  Later teaming up with Bishop and Rook in 2018. A celebration of legacy, independence, and eccentricity, Sarge and Me is going on the road.  Follow along @mynameismonaya