Bright sunny yoga studio with white walls blond wood floors orange mats in semetrical order

The Scandahoovian

My First…

Hot Yoga



If you can… Don’t Leave the Room

Hot Yoga, like sauna, endorses the same commitment to the heat attitude. Keeping the door shut maintains heat. Beyond sustaining the room temperature, leaving the hot room puts your body in shock. If you are struggling and it’s a matter of comfort and mindset – lay down and melt. If you are going to pass out, let someone know as you quietly exit. 

Hot Yoga = Rubberband Man

When you put fat in heat, it melts. The same sort of happens with your muscles. Heat allows for deeper stretching. This can be a great thing, it can also be dangerous. Listen to your body, both its threshold on heat and flexibility if you are pushing it. 

The Vibe

Prime-time yoga classes can fill up fast. If you are new, find a spot in the mirrors in the middle of class and hold your pose where you can. If you approach a pose and push beyond your limits, risks such as losing balance or even flatulence can happen. Reminder: this is a shared experience, and we ask that you respect the personal space and comfort of others. If you notice that someone is uncomfortable or appears to be struggling, be mindful – are you okay? If you are not ready to move to full standing bow at the risk of falling on your neighbor…hold your pose sir. 

Block letters spelling Don't Quit with the letters Do It in focus hover above a yoga mat with a plant against a wood back drop
3 profile Muscular anatomy drawings with frayed rope pulled across the image frame
Neutral toned yoga studio with meditating savasana yogis, steaming from heat

Hot Yoga is Not Sauna…But its a great introduction to heat. 

Samantha had heard about hot yoga from friends and colleagues for years but had always been too intimidated to try it herself. However, after a particularly stressful week at work, she decided it was time to step outside her comfort zone and give it a shot.

Embracing the Unknown: Conquering Intimidation with Courage and Curiosity

On the day of her first hot yoga class, Samantha arrived at the studio feeling both nervous and excited. She hadn’t done her research and knew nothing of wearing lightweight, breathable clothing and bringing plenty of water. However, she had forgotten to bring a towel, thinking that the studio would provide one.

The Challenge of Hot Yoga

As she entered the hot yoga room, Samantha was hit with a wave of heat. The temperature was over 100 degrees, and she could feel the sweat starting to form on her skin. She had expected it to be hot, but not this hot. She looked around and noticed that everyone else had brought their own towels. Feeling embarrassed, she decided to tough it out and try not to slip on her own sweat. The class began, and Samantha was surprised at how difficult it was. She had done yoga before, but the heat made everything feel so much harder. Every move felt like a challenge, and she could feel herself getting more and more fatigued with each passing minute. Despite this, she tried to focus on her breathing and keep going.

The Importance of Preparation and Intention in underrated high-intensity fitness experiences. 

About halfway through the class, Samantha started to feel uncomfortable. Her sweatpants, which had seemed like a good idea at the time, were now sticking to her skin and making her feel even hotter. She could feel her heart racing and her head starting to spin. She realized that she had made a mistake in choosing what to wear, but it was too late to change now.

At that moment, Samantha was struck by a realization. She had come to this class with a sense of carelessness, thinking that she could just power through it without any preparation or thought. However, she now understood that this approach was not sustainable. If she wanted to continue with hot yoga, she would need to approach it with intention and care, both in terms of her clothing and her mindset.

Self-Care and Connection

Samantha decided to take a break and step out of the room for a moment. As she left, she heard the instructor reminding everyone to take care of themselves and listen to their bodies. She realized that this was exactly what she needed to do.

Once outside, Samantha realized that she needed to use the restroom. She quickly made her way to the bathroom, hoping that she wouldn’t miss too much of the class. However, as she sat on the toilet, she realized that this was exactly what she needed. It was a chance to slow down, take a breather, and reflect on what she had learned so far.

The Power of The Hot Community

After a few minutes, Samantha made her way back to the hot yoga room. As she reentered, she noticed that someone had placed a towel on her mat for her. She looked around and saw a kind-looking yogi smiling at her. The yogi motioned for her to come closer and whispered that they had noticed she had forgotten her towel and that they had an extra one they could share.

Samantha was struck by the kindness of this stranger. She had come into this class feeling alone and unprepared, but this small gesture had changed everything. She felt a sense of connection to this person and to the other people in the room. She realized that hot yoga wasn’t just about sweating and pushing yourself to the limit; it was also about community, support, and connection.

Yeah, it was sort of like that. I was ten times more obnoxious and had far less of an idea of what the process was like that this led on. 

The Hot 26 Series

visual display of a woman in each pose of the bikram series
  • It existed before Bikram
  • Stacked poses to form blood dams
  • Activates metabolic processes and clears cellular debris

Your part of the Equation

with her back to you woman in white shirt sits pretzel style on grass in front of a forest with mudra hands
  • What you eat will influence your daily practice.
  • Undirected stress will influence your daily practice.
  • Think about big-picture simulation and body movement.  

Everybody else

sun burst through trees over a group of yogis in triangle pose
  • Be mindful of their senses
  • Give space when you can, do not crowd others
  • Keep your eyes to your prize while Encouraging. 
  • Smile at you. 

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